Friday, December 7, 2012


My Friend Casey Wiegand has done this cute post of where she has coffee dates with her readers on her blog.  I have always wanted to do it with you and since today is so beautiful, I thought why not today?!


First, you would probably call me to say that you're lost in Deep Ellum and can't find my house.  I would then reassure you that you're in the right place and tell you that I will prove it by opening my door and standing outside for you to u-turn and come back around.

You'll pop out of your car and laugh apologizing that you thought only warehouses were on this street and I'll hug you and say everyone does it.

When you come inside I'll immediately apologize for my two huge dogs smelling your crotch (they're so rude) and I'll hurry them to the garage and put them in their kennel/play pens.  

When I get back to you, you'll be checking out Paul's office and say I didn't know anything like this was down here.  I'll tell you all about the remodel and how Paul's lived here for 20 years now and how it was an engine repair warehouse back in the day.  

When we walk into the main house I'll repeatedly ask for your forgiveness for the mess and lack of furniture since we've given everything away getting prepared for construction.  Paul got antsy and cleared almost everything out of the living room area.  

After I give you a full tour we'll head up on the roof to enjoy the view and our Starbucks Pike Place Keurig coffee with a splash of milk.

We would start with some small talk and probably end with a business we would create together.  I would tell you how my friend Jennifer and I came up with an online pet prostitute website where you can order female dogs for your horny male dogs.  Yes, I know... random and totally disturbing, but would be so helpful (remember I have rude dogs and they hump each other all day). We would come up with cute sassy names for the girls and have pretty pictures of them for hire.  We would laugh for awhile and then move along.

I would then tell you about some of the work ventures I'm currently in... like shooting for a huge Dallas shopping center and family portaits and a new furniture restoration business with my friend Lesli called Two Arrows.  Oh and a new blog called Dallas Behind the Scenes.

I would ask about your passions and if you're able to fulfill them.  One of my greatest loves is to help people find the courage to go after what they want.  

When we come back down into the house we would probably play a few games in the game room like foosball, pinball, arcade games and I'll turn on the new hydraulic moving chair action game.  You'll get a little freaked out when it starts moving and shaking you around but will have fun winning the battle.

My cat Scooter-pie would introduce himself by demanding our attention and wanting to get petted and Lizzie-may would be watching us from the rafters.

Paul would come home by now and you would need to run off to finish some errands.

We would give each other a big hug and say let's do this again real soon.

Love, Sarah 


The Dayleys said...

Such a darling post. I always love reading Casey's and naturally adore reading yours!

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